Thursday, November 6, 2014


Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Lighting the Way for Writers

                                             Lighting the Way for Writers 


I've always thought of myself as lucky. Okay, not Florida Lotto lucky. But tickets to Bruce Springsteen or Hollywood Studios lucky. Last year at a Tampa Bay Area writing workshop taught by author Joyce Sweeney, I won something equal to a writing lotto. My name was drawn to participate in Sweeney's online Advanced Fiction course. Lucky me!

The course started October 6th and it's amazing. I understand structure now in a way I never have before. What's more important than that?  Tips on writing and in-depth information n characters, scenes, and plot are part of the course too. And, it's only week five of a ten-week course. 

Whether you're a new writer and take Sweeney's Fiction Writing Essentials, her Picture Book Writing Essentials or are interested in the Advanced Fiction course, you won't be disappointed.

FYI - This is the first online course I've ever taken, so I was nervous. But the format's easy. Plus, I get to watch and listen to Sweeney present on video and then play it again to take notes.

I don't know when another class begins, but she has a Webinar on the Plot Clock,  7 p.m. on Wednesday, November 12th. The plot clock is a tool useful to both beginners and advanced writers. The Webinar's cost also fits writers' budgets at $19.

If you're serious about writing, check out Sweeney's site