Monday, June 15, 2015

Okay so I woke up really early thinking about querying. Like 4:30 a.m. and decided to think positive about the whole process. I mean, I've written hundreds of newspaper and magazine articles and never submitted one thinking it  wouldn't be accepted for publication. Why should sending out a book query be so different?

It shouldn't.

After all, haven't many famous writers been rejected again and again before finally finding someone who believed in their books?  Who you might ask. That's a post for another day,  

This morning, I'll  query an agent or two before the Florida sun rises. I'll visualize an agent smiling as she or he reads my submission. Will  sending positive vibes into the universe or at least to New York City, help my chances of publishing?  Maybe and maybe not,

But I'm thinking about querying and I'm  still smiling.